Tag Archives: Muslim


30 Jul

Former President Bill Clinton is reported to have presided at the wedding of New York Rep. Anthony Weiner to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin. Anonymous people said. The unmarried gawkish congressman long plagued with stories on Capitol Hill was marrying Hillary’s right hand herself long plagued with stories in the Senate then State.

The wedding was storybook- the Oheka Castle in Huntington Longuyland, a classy joint where former Senator Al Damato played cards, boy band member a Jonas brother got married there. Huma’s rumors involved Hillary and Huma and the Muslim Brotherhood ties- Huma’s mishpochah, family. Huma is from Pakistan. She grew up in Saudi Arabia. Weiner is New York’s own. Weiner’s rumors included Pocket Pool and sharing the family jewels- the natural kind.

A Jew and a Muslim wedded is a convenient headline when it comes to State sleight of hand. It is a state of disorder when it comes to a Jew “marrying” a Muslim and then cheating on her. Self help in Huma’s homeland is stoning, of Weiner that would be. Congressman, not a place to visit you aught to put on your bucket list.

The thing is, somethings cant lie, like a law delineating who can officiate at weddings, even when it comes to lawyers who lose their law license for lying under oath.

  1. NY Domestic relations law spells out who may officiate at a wedding in the state. Former president is not on the list… “§ 11. By whom a marriage must be solemnized. No marriage shall be valid unless solemnized by either: 1. A clergyman or minister of any religion,…. 2. A mayor of a village, a county executive of a county, or a mayor, recorder, city magistrate, police justice or police magistrate of a city, a former mayor or the city clerk of a city of the first class of over one million inhabitants or any of his or her deputies or not more than four regular clerks, designated by him or her for such purpose as provided in section eleven-a of this chapter, except that in cities which contain more than one hundred thousand and less than one million inhabitants, a marriage shall be solemnized by the mayor, or police justice, and by no other officer of such city, except as provided in subdivisions one and three of this section. 3. A judge of the federal circuit court of appeals for the second circuit, a judge of a federal district court for the northern, southern, eastern or western district of New York, a judge of the United States court of international trade, a federal administrative law judge presiding in this state, a justice or judge of a court of the unified court system, a housing judge of the civil court of the city of New York, a retired justice or judge of the unified court system or a retired housing judge of the civil court of the city of New York certified pursuant to paragraph (k) of subdivision two of section two hundred twelve of the judiciary law, the clerk of the appellate division of the supreme court in each judicial department, a retired city clerk who served for more than ten years in such capacity in a city having a population of one million or more or a county clerk of a county wholly within cities having a population of one million or more.”

Chelsea’s wedding was officiated by both a rabbi and a Methodist minister. Why wouldn’t a father ‘officiate’ at the wedding of non relatives but not of the wedding of his own daughter? And if Bill Clinton officiated at a wedding he is approved to officiate at, then there is no wedding but something being distracted from. As for the baby? Obvious question a DNA test will answer is who’s your daddy an easy enough answer to guage if the bump was the result of horizontal mambo or Hollywood magic.

The sad answer will end up being- loyalty at a cost. What is being protected and why will come out. There is too much of a paper trail to not connect the dots as to why Weiner and Huma agreed to a marriage of convenient headlines, slate of political hand with one unpredictable factor- Weiners hand on the selfie-knob… stop it Anthony NOW or your fingers will fall off, wink…


BLUES BY THE BEACH Independent Film Producer Jack Baxter’s Reel Experience With A Bomb Murderer [archive]:

17 Apr

Soon after the Palestinian Authority re-aired its music video, removed from broadcast after the US Senate screened the footage encouraging children to die as Martyrs for Allah, two video projects debut in the same week. One is inciteful; the other is insightful. Both projects are being presented to the public days after Duke University hosts the Palestinian Solidarity Movement’s 4th annual conference. PSM was launched in 2000 in support of the Intafada’s terror campaign on Israel a precedent to America’s  911.

MTV is airing the artist once again known as Prince’s music video featuring a teenage actress as a Palestinian child bomb murderess self-detonating amongst innocent bystanders. American film maker Jack Baxter screens his independent film “Blues By The Beach” at New York Hampton’s International Film Festival. Baxter narrowly escaped death 1½ years ago from a bomb murderer detonating in Tel Aviv where Baxter was filming.

Baxter’s movie addressing Israelis defying death by living normal lives in the face of terrorism is in the Festival’s category “The Abraham Award for Films of Conflict and Resolution.” It will probably never achieve the Golden Globe, a Clef D’ors, Emmy, or the financial success it deserves. Baxter, a struggling filmmaker happened to be in the wrong place at the right time. He brings a reality check to people who think they are impervious to unpredictable, increasing terrorist strikes contrasting Prince presenting a video promoting teen suicide and murder. The singer will probably glean Grammy and other nominations along with the reward of being a celebrity, immune from the US Senate.

1:00am the morning of Wednesday April 30, 2003, security guard Avi Taviv prevented two British Pakistani bomb murderers from entering Mike’s Place where Baxter and co-directors Detroit born Israeli Josh Faudem and Czechoslovakian Pavla Fleischer had been filming for two weeks. One bomb murderer detonated himself. The second ran away, remaining at large. Baxter, says, “It’s important people pay attention to the fact the bomb murderers were not Muslims from the Middle East. They, Asif Hanif and Omar Khan Sharif, were British.” Taviv, severely injured, is credited with saving the lives of many patrons. The three dead include French waitress, Dominique Hess, last filmed moments before the blast. Hess planned to return to France within the days after she was murdered.

Sagit Shir, singer for the band performing the night of the murders testifed at the Israeli government’s alternative Hague hearing after being refused entry to the to International Court of Justice along with 18 other victims and casualties of terrorism. Shir, staring through the blood red velvet curtains shielding the audience from Pro-Palestinians protesting Israel’s safety wall, said, “We used to joke no bomber would bother with Mike’s Place because it wasn’t famous enough.” Hanif’s self-detonation proved Shir wrong. Mike’s Place sits next to the US Embassy on Israel’s Mediterranean waterfront. Shir’s boyfriend, the band’s drummer is still wearing ¾ body pressure suits aiding to heal burns he suffered in the detonation. “You know,” said Baxter, “I recall seeing something strange before the blast but did not know what I was observing at the time. A group of Middle Eastern men, not Israelis, were smoking together outside the bar. And, they all got up. Walked away. I thought that was strange. Then, boom….”

The blast left Baxter in a coma. He awoke after three days, his left arm paralyzed. It has atrophied to one half the width of his right hand. His eardrums, typical of bomb murder victims, are ruptured. Baxter leans forward to listen, sometimes even for himself, twisting comically until he can hear people he speaks with, a human version of the cell phone television commercial repeating, “Can you hear me?” Talk too soft or with your back turned to him, he can’t. His left leg drags as he walks. Measuring over six feet, Baxter, visibly gaunt in comparison to home photos decorating the loft he shares with wife Fran Strauss-Baxter, appears taller. American doctors have not yet diagnosed the source of eruptions on his body.  They recently concluded they are caused by foreign organisms, undiagnosed as of yet. Tel Aviv’s Rabin Trauma Centre ER doctor Jeffrey Kashuk, speaking in Canada in March on the topic of medical terrorism said terrorists engage in chemical and biological warfare counting on the deadly projectiles Aids, Hepatitis C virus and SARS-like virus infected bone, blood  and other particles from bomb murderers will further injure their victims. Rabin Medical Centre is a leader in urban triage of terror attack sites including murder bombings. Baxter’s doctors determined early on, his skin eruptions were not caused by nail and metal bits exploded from vests the bombers wear. It was determined Baxter’s bomb murderer used plastic explosives more typical of Irish bombers.

One sense’s even if Baxter knew what is causing his bumps, he wouldn’t care. His film, wife and two oversized cats are most important to him. Fran flew to her husband’s side upon hearing of his attempted murder. A former girlfriend saw his misidentified photo, ¾ page tall in Westchester’s “The Journal News” claiming he was a wounded Israeli. Baxter includes the  clipping in his film’s press kit.

Baxter prefers talking about his new love. Israel. A Catholic, he is working on persuading Fran to move there from their Penn Station neighbourhood loft. Only another casualty of terrorism can understand why. Baxter has in Israel a solidarity he lacks in the US. Few in America understand daring death, surviving a horrific tragedy or losing loved, close ones or strangers from no reason other than hate. Baxter returned to Israel after coming back to New York. Interpreting his wife’s order to stay out of danger as not riding public buses, he took taxis to the battleground settlement of Hebron. And walked the streets of Tel Aviv late at night. Alone.

Baxter settles into his armchair for picture taking. He put on his “Mike’s Place” t-shirt, making sure the words can be seen by the camera. Closing his eyes for a moment, his left hand seems to be to be tapping in time to songs Baxter must have been listening to that ill fated night. Baxter recalls how, in a style Cecil B. De Mille would be proud of, he ordered 28 year old Josh Faudem, “Keep shooting.”  Faudem did.

Faudem’s father, mother and best friends from childhood gathered for beers and soda after screening “Blues” at Jerusalem’s Cinemathique. Newsman Ira Garshowitz says Faudem’s film has a chance to save lives in Israel. And outside. Garshowitz knows terrorism does not respect borders or cultures. It just murders. “How did they respond?” asked Baxter. “Did they laugh?” Yes. At all the right spots. And they wept. Every person in the room was seven degrees of separation from terrorism. Someone they once met at the mall. A colleague. A friend. A relative. Even a brother.

Baxter had travelled to Israel to film a documentary on Palestinian Muslim Arab leader Marwan Barghouti, the man he says launched Israel’s recent three year Intafada of terror. Upon discovering a woman was already filming “his” documentary, he went for a drink ending up at “Mike’s Place,” listening to blues by the beach and “Mike’s Place” owner, Gal Ganzman, in a life changing conversation. Ganzman, who rebuilt his establishment in time for Israel’s Memorial Day less than a week later, had suggested Baxter do a film on how Israelis have fun in the face of death, albeit, according Jerusalem cab driver Moti, “a bit nervously.” Unfunded, already in Israel, Baxter said, “Sure.”

And, for Israel, it is a good thing Baxter did.

Terrorism, old hat for Israel, is new for North America. With the timing of Prince’s video screening the same week as Baxter’s film, people may realize what is mischaracterized as an issue between Jews and Arabs, is in fact a battle between good and evil. Good people don’t murder. Bad people do. Baxter’s film shows audience and interviewers, the bomb murderers did not ask fellow Muslims to leave “Mike’s Place.” Nor did they warn non-jews to run for safety. They walked in, self-exploding, taking with them innocent people caught in their murderous perimeter.

Fleischer told the New York Sun, she had hoped “Blues By The Beach,” would be a happy piece on Israel. She said it “turned out to be quite different.” It is different. It shows the real Israel is not a war zone but a suburban urban life in a country rich in heritage attracting colorful characters like Hess, Faudem and Baxter.  And terrorists intent on murder.

Baxter is fundraising to get his film to Cannes. Everything he had was invested into this movie he nearly died for. “We’re living on food stamps,” he says.

Fran Baxter says her husband is a hero. No, Fran, Jack is a saint who aught to be rewarded. Press releases should be sent to every enforcement office, military base, high school, college, synagogue and church group, social event and memo board, advising this film is a must-see. ”Blues By The Beach” is reality entertainment showing what will hit America, again. Twin Towers, Target, a local restaurant, a bus. An independent film screening in the Hamptons or, even the location where Prince films his next music video. This jewel of a film brings home two points MPDC Lieutenant Jeffrey Herold, said, in an interview, “It is only a matter of time,” and “it is where we aren’t looking that it will happen,” as it did, Friday. Two bombers wearing backpacks, entered and shattered a tightly secured area of Iraq near the highly guarded US Embassy. Witnesses reported something similar to Baxter. They said it was strange. The two bomb murderers sat for some time sipping tea before self-detonating.

Baxter’s film deserves to be entered in and win every independent film festival in the world. It is an ambassadorial lesson worthy of receiving the Nobel Prize for explaining, in reel time, the Conflict in the Middle East, is a matter of life or death.  Almost Baxter’s. Next time, mine or yours.



14 Apr
Immune cells prevent and cause brain degeneration.  Weizmann Institute’s Professor Michal Schwartz and her team have discovered that immune cells at the edge of the brain travel an extraordinary route to repair brain trauma.  In the elderly, the cells no longer do their function, which could open up new treatments for dementia.
Immune cells fight or cause liver disease.  Sounds familiar?  Professor Rifaat Safadi’s team from Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem has identified that the normal function of Neuroliglin 4 in the immune system is to fight cirrhosis of the liver.  But in patients with Hepatitis or alcoholics, the cell changes and attacks the liver.
Sweetner could treat Parkinson’s.  Researchers from Tel Aviv University have found that the sugar substitute mannitol protects the brain against the effects of Parkinson’s disease.  Laboratory trials are to be completed before human clinical trials can commence.
Pediatrician delivers baby in elevator.  On her way to give a lecture at Kaplan Medical Center Dr. Hanni Olivestone found a woman in labor in a public bathroom.  She took the woman in a wheelchair to the delivery room but as they entered the elevator, the baby’s head emerged.
Top US award for Israeli cancer specialist.  The American Association for Cancer Research has awarded Professor Alexander Levitzki of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem its 2013 Award for Outstanding Achievement in Chemistry in Cancer Research.  It recognizes Prof Levitzki’s work on signal transduction therapy and the development of tyrosine kinase inhibitors as effective agents against cancer.
Repairing the damage from acne.  (Thanks to Atid-EDI)  Israel’s Syneron Medical is launching its unique bi-polar fractional radio-frequency (RF) energy device to remove acne scars.  22% of adults 18 years and older are adversely affected by acne scars and 77% of them want a low-cost, quick and painless way to remove them.
Israeli hospitals treat hundreds of Gazans. Siblings Ahmad and Hadil Hamdan from Gaza both suffer from chronic kidney disease. For a few days each month, they receive dialysis treatment at the Rambam Medical Center in Haifa, Israel.  “Before I came here, I couldn’t breathe or walk. My situation was really bad,” said Hadil.  In 2012, Rambam Medical Center alone treated nearly 400 children from Gaza.
Muslim heads Hadassah’s emergency medicine.  57-year-old cardiologist Dr. Aziz Darawshe is the new director of the emergency department at Hadassah University Medical Center in Jerusalem, and chairman of the Israel Society for Urgent Medicine.  Dr Darawshe lives in the Arab village of Iksal, near Nazareth.
Israel gives Turkey safe passage.  Transportation of Turkish exports has been severely hampered by the Syrian crisis and riots in Egypt’s Port Said.  So the Israeli government is allowing Turkish trucks to enter Israel from Haifa and then travel over the ElKhalil Bridge to Jordan. About 100 trucks a week use this route.
Tmura shares its shares.  Here is an update and new video about Israel’s charity that receives donated shares from start-ups and sells them when the start-up is successful.  When CISCO bought Intucell, Tmura gained $400,000, which goes to support educational initiatives and youth opportunities.  These include AMICHAI (integrates mentally disabled), Krembo Wings (special needs children) and Eliya (programs for blind and visually impaired children and their families).
Israeli model saves leukemia sufferer.  Israeli actress and model Agam Rudberg donated bone marrow in an effort to save the life of a woman with leukemia who urgently needed a transplant.  Agam was automatically added to the national bone marrow donor registry Ezer Mizion in 2005 when she was drafted into the IDF. The transplant was successful.
Israel commemorates World Downs Syndrome Day.  More than 400 participants came to Hadassah Hebrew University Medical Center at Mt Scopus, Jerusalem for World Down Syndrome Day.  Israel and Singapore established the event in 2006 and it was subsequently adopted by the United Nations internationally.
65 ways Israel is saving the planet.  (Thanks to Israel21c)  To celebrate Israel’s 65th Independence Day, here is Israel21c’s list of the top 65 solutions that Israel has provided to some of the world’s most pressing problems.
Israel and Technion are top innovators.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted a survey of 61 experts from 20 countries who voted Israel’s Technion as the world’s sixth highest in the league chart of entrepreneurship and innovation in higher education institutions.  Israel came third in the national chart.
A robot milking machine.  Israeli agri-tech start-up MiRobot has developed “the greatest thing to happen in dairy farming in 100 years” – an automated milking machine.  At a fraction of the cost of competitors, MiRobot is finishing the development of a working demo and seeking to raise funds in order to go into full production.
Hear what your friends are listening to. (Thanks to NoCamels) Israeli startup ListNPlay has developed an app called EQuala that enables users to create a personalized music stream based on the musical tastes of their friends. It is claimed to be the first true social radio.
The answer in 10 seconds.  Companies using computer software from Israel’s SiSense can analyze their massive files of business data in seconds to provide answers to key business intelligence questions.  SiSense has customers in 49 countries and has just raised funds to grow its sales and support teams.
Ships that pass in the night.  Israeli security company Windward Maritime Solutions combines satellite imagery with intelligence data to spot vessels with potentially dangerous cargos or suspicious intentions.
Finding a needle in a haystack.  Israeli start-up SphereUp has developed a smart contact search which can find anyone on a website, contact database, or any other information source.  The search is nearly instantaneous, eliminates duplicates and displays only the relevant data.
The Agri-tech road-show.  Five Israeli agriculture technology start-ups are shortly to tour the US, seeking investors.  They include use SolChip (solar powered livestock tracking sensors), EdenShield (natural herbs to prevent insect infestation of plants) and MiRobot (robot milking machine – see above).
The future is aluminum.  More details about the evolutionary aluminum-air battery of the Israeli-based technology company Phinergy.  It powers an electric vehicle (EV) for up to 1,000 miles (1600 km) before needing a recharge – three times longer than existing EVs.  It certainly impressed US President Obama.
And yet another innovative battery.  Tel Aviv’s Enstorage has produced the first ever grid-connected Hydrogen-Bromine (HBr) flow battery. The 50 KW battery provides up to 100 KWh of energy.  It is the cheapest, smallest and most powerful flow batteries on the market.
Israel invests NIS 3 billion in water.  (Thanks to Atid-EDI) More than NIS 3 billion was invested in Israel’s water infrastructures in 2012.  The increased desalination and recycling facilities means Israel’s water supply is now in a position to meet future crises.
First Budapest and now Bucharest.  Just four months after launching flights from Tel Aviv to Hungary’s capital, low-cost airline Wizz Air has announced a new route – from Tel Aviv to the capital of Romania.  Wizz Air says that its decision comes in response to the enthusiastic reception shown by customers in Tel Aviv.
$400 million for CyOptics.  In another massive exit deal, Israeli optical transmission company Cyoptics has been bought up by Nasdaq listed Avago Technologies.  CyOptics’ customers include governments and some of the world’s biggest companies and tripled its sales in the past three years to $210 million in 2012.
One in six US prescriptions are for Teva products.  The CEO of Israel’s largest biotech has been speaking out proudly of Teva’s moral principles.  Jeremy Levin said, “We are an Israeli company, and we will remain an Israeli company.” At our Ashdod plant, whilst people (in Gaza) fire rockets, we make medicines.
The shekel is the strongest currency.  Of the 31 currencies monitored by Bloomberg, Israel’s shekel had the best performance in the first three months of 2013.  Reasons include Israel’s stable growth and anticipation of the favorable economic impact of new natural gas flowing from the Tamar field.
Reality “check”.  (Thanks to Ted Belman) The Israeli Chess Championships 2013 for men and women are taking place in April in Acre.  Of the 32 registered players for the men’s event, no less than 16 are Grandmasters.
“What the world needs now is love”.  It sure does – and the composer of that song, Burt Bacharach, is coming to Israel to perform some of his 70 top 40 hits.  There will be some “Magic Moments” at the Zappa Shuni Amphitheater in Binyamina on July 2nd.  “Say a little prayer” if you get tickets, but don’t “Walk on by”.
Sonic Vision hits Tel Aviv.  Sonic Vision is an amazing light show, transferring visitors from Tel Aviv into a 360-degree party, through sound, light, and music. It takes place at the Planetarium at the Eretz Israel Museum in Tel Aviv until April 27. The show lasts around forty minutes.
“Hope” for Yom Haatzmaut.  Here it is – the Fountainheads new video and song for Israel’s 65th birthday.
Hiking in the Eshkol forest.  Another beautiful video from newsletter subscribers Shmuel and Chana who run Villa Rimona in the Galilee.
Talking in the holy language.  Young members of the Religious Zionist kibbutz movement are to spend Shabbat on the Hareidi Kibbutz Or Ganuz.  Despite ideological differences, it is hoped that discussions and mutual learning will benefit both groups and increase cooperation among agricultural settlements. 
Happy 65th birthday.  Great article by David Harris containing details of Israel’s history of achievements.
65 things we love about Israel in 65 seconds.  See how many you love.  I could add about 65,000 more!
2000 year-old ritual bath discovered.  Archaeologists have discovered a mikvah (ritual bath) from the second Temple period.  It was found during excavations prior to paving a highway in Kiryat Menachem, near Jerusalem.  The water system is one of the most intricate ever discovered – preserving every drop of rainwater.
State archives go on-line.  In honor of Israel’s 65th Independence Day, the State Archives have been digitized and put on line.  Content includes the first Independence Day celebrations, the 1948 War of Independence, the Six Day War, life in immigrant camps, the Eichman trial and many immigrant and census records.


12 Mar

Thinking about going home, to my roots- Egypt, the gateway between Europe and Asia, home to over 75 million with a GDP per capita, 2009, US $2,450. Two thirds of Egypts oil passes through the Suez Canal. The Passover Haggadah says my people were slaves there building sphinxes and pyramids and all other sorts of Pharohic pleasures. Been reading on line on globalpropertyguide.com. An apartment in Cairo? US $1322 per sq m. Al Rhab or Medinat October? $882 per sq foot. Sharm El Sheik? A new house costing about $45,160. Or, the Red Sea… properties under $76,943 US dollars. I think I found a place that is doable

$831 a square foot. Rental yield 9.4%. Rent is about $977. Income tax is 7..08%. The owners are non resident collecting 1500 euro a month rent. Cost of buying and selling? The round trip as it is called? 11.74% including transaction taxes and charges, lawyers fees and notary costs, agent fees. Real estate Finance Law passed fairly recently in 2001. Foreigners cant register more than two pieces of real estate, held for the first five years, rented furnished, intended for a family to live in. For the first time since the 1948 civil code, banks can repossess properties and evict owners defaulting on loan repayments. Politics are a bear, some say a tad fraudulent, wouldn’t you think with the same president seated f or 29 years running. Arbitrary arrests here and there. Minor technicality of Succession concerns when Mubarak dies (an Egyptian disclosure) Oh, and that little thing called the Muslim Brotherhood, Egypt’s oldest Islamist group. I hear the tunnels to Israel are open and running. A home in Egypt with a view? Nah, better off a home in Egypt with a tunnel to the Promised Land and a lesson of real property preservation America should learn a thing or two from. So I’ll go home, in time, eventually, maybe…. when the Muslim Brotherhood leave…

PHILANTHROPIC LIABILITY: Teresa, Tides and CAIR [ archive ]

29 Jan

Teresa Heinz-Kerry’s philanthropy as chairwoman for the Heinz Family Endowment came under scrutiny when her Fund was alleged to have distant links, through the TidesCenter and Tides Foundation grantees, to anti-Israel and anti-Jewish sentiment. Heinz-Kerry, heiress of the late Senator John Heinz’s estate, is the second wife of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. A few short months before Kerry tossed his hat in to the Democratic National Convention ring, and nine years after her second marriage, Mrs. Kerry ceased being a hyphenate, Heinz-Kerry, and became a Democrat, too.

Factcheck.org, a non partisan fact checking service affiliated with the Annenberg Political Policy Institute of University of Pennsylvania, says it was asked to debunk allegations circulating in a  “internet campaign” intended to hurt Kerry’s presidential candidacy by attacking his wife with “whispers” the Heinz Endowment donated funds to Tides Center and Foundation of San Francisco which allegedly funded “a variety of “radical” groups including some that the message suggests are supportive of terrorists.” Tides Foundation, distributing grants for over thirty years, established TidesCenter to administer payrolls, disbursing, legal and administrative work of grant funds for recipients not incorporated as non profits.  Factcheck.org confirmed 1998 to 2002 Heinz’s 990’s were accurately filed. Factcheck.org did not look into recipients activities 2003 to present date nor how recipient used the grant. Factcheck.org explained Heinz.org’s 2003 taxes were not filed until August 15th 2003.

Heinz Endowments, http://www.heinz.org and Tides Foundation www.tidesfoundation.org denied on their individual websites any role in funding radical groups. They addressed the “growing number of misleading articles, opinion pieces and viral emails” attacking Teresa Heinz Kerry married to presidential candidate John Kerry.


Chris Herrera, Tides Foundation’s Director of Communications, posted a letter on Tides internet home site entitled “Tides Foundation, Tides Center and the Relationship with Heinz Endowments.” Herrera explains “apart from that institutional grantmaking relationship, neither Tides Foundation nor Tides Center has any relationship with Teresa Heinz Kerry…..” Herrera continues on listing disclaimers for several groups Tides provides grants to including United For Justice and Peace, UFJP,  and CAIR. UFJP  has over 800 member groups including A.N.S.W.E.R. and others who carried anti-Israel and anti-American posters up NYC’s 7th Avenue the Sunday before the Republican Convention.

Herrera confirms in 2002 Tides Foundation granted money to CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations. Herrera says “there have been many hateful claims about Tides Foundation and CAIR who received their one time $5000 grant as part of Tides 9/11 fund. Herrera writes “CAIR has explicitly stated that they have no ties whatsoever to any violent or discriminatory organizations.” Then Herrera directed readers to CAIR’s website. Their 9/11 project, called the “Interfaith Coalition Against Hate Crimes,” was created to mitigate hate crimes against Muslims and promote relationships between Muslims and non-Muslims.

CAIR’s website links to other projects and groups interested in relationships between Muslims and Americans. It appears excluding Jewish or Israeli Americans. One effort CAIR participated in was signing a joint Muslim/Arab-America statement against Israel. The other signators include American-Arab Anti Discrimination Committee, American Muslims for Jerusalem, American Task Force for Lebanon, American Task Force on Palestine, Arab American Institute and Muslim Public Affairs Council. The letter accused Israel of ““indiscriminately killing innocent Palestinians, including many children” along with “the demolition of Palestinian homes in Gaza’s Rafah refugee camp.”  The letter CAIR signed continues to say that “Some of these acts of destruction amount to grave breaches of the Fourth Geneva Convention and are war crimes.” The letter did not address the actions of terrorists murdering innocent Israeli fathers and mothers and children.

One site connected to by CAIR quoted Dr. Talat Sultan, elected Ameer, president, of ICNA, the Islamic Circle of North America 2003-2004.  Sultan, an Education Ph.D from UCLA in 1970, is known internationally for contributing towards to Islamisation of educational system. He taught at the University of North Carolina, before joining Ummul Qurra University in Saudi Arabia. At present, Sultan is a principal of the Islamic Foundation School in Villa Park, Ill.

Dr. Talat Sultan said  “As Muslims it is our duty to help the victims and contribute positively in the society we live in” then stating “Our beloved prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, has said.” Sultan, spokesman for ICNA, condemned the recent slaughter of the RussianSchool children saying “The abduction of innocent children is a terrorist act   not permitted by Islam. Those who commit acts of terror, murder and cruelty in the name of Islam are betraying the values of the faith they claim to represent.” Then Sultan called upon the American administration “to condemn the Israeli government’s illegal behaviour and demand that they cease and desist.” Sultan did not condemn bomb murderers climbing aboard buses in West Jerusalem, murdering innocent civilians.

CAIR participates in Project MAPS. MAPS is an anacronym for “Muslims In The American Public Square” headquartered at CMCU, The Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, located within Georgetown University, blocks from the Heinz-Kerry Georgetown residence. The Center, established in 1992, was created to facilitate dialogue between the Muslim world, the West, Islam and Christianity.  MAPS website says “The last decade of the twentieth century has witnessed a thriving, vibrant and expanding Muslim community on the American civic horizon. The Muslim community in America, six million in number, is a replica of the more than one billion Muslims of the world,” continuing “The only other parallel is the Hajj in Makkah, Saudi Arabia, where millions of Muslims of all colors, races, ethnic origins and countries assemble annually to perform the religious rites.” Several of the 911 WTC and Pentagon pilot murderers are alleged to be passported from Saudi Arabia.

MAPS is affiliated with the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, SFS, a school within Georgetown University. The Foreign Service School was founded in 1919, six years before the US Foreign Service was established. Its first Dean was Edmund A. Walsh, S.J., Society of Jesuits. Walsh founded the school because he believed the U.S. diplomats he observed at the Versailles Conference were inadequately trained.   

Vincent Cornell, a professor in the Department of Religious Studies at DukeUniversity in DurhamNorth Carolina sits on MAPS advisory board. Duke hosted the fourth annual PSM, Palestinian Solidarity Movement, conference. Dr. Zahid H Bukhari, listed as one of MAPS principle investigators, acknowledged Pew Charitable Trusts providing MAPS with a $1.25 million over three years to fund a project assisting “the  American Muslim community  going through a transitional period as it comes out of its initial phase of hesitation, isolation, identity crisis and anxiety.”   Bukhari said, “More than half the world’s population is Muslim or Christian.”  “Regrettably, it continues to be imperative to counter the misunderstanding and ignorance of Islam.”   

Heinz Endowment president Maxwell King posted a statement on www.heinz.org in defence of Heinz-Kerry, chair of the Howard Heinz Endowment and the Vira I. Heinz Endowment,  “Neither she nor her foundations has ever funded any of the extremist organizations or unpatriotic causes listed in the email you forwarded. Period.” “The Tides Foundation also says that no Heinz funds have gone to any of the groups named in the e-mail. Further, it says Tides itself gives little or no money to several of them.”

King went further to state the Heinz Endowment complies 100% with its mandate, limiting funds to use within Pennsylvania. King did not address the Endowment funding a RAND Corporation project , “Population Health and Health Disparities report examined “how built environments affected health outcomes” focused on Santa Monica, California, the Washington, D.C. area, and Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Heinz Endowments website listing of 2003 endowments stated RAND received $100,000 to “review and analyse universal pre-kindergarten efforts across the U.S., benefiting “children, youth and families.”

Heinz Endowment released this statement, “If you disagree with our work and our values, we respect that. And if you want to let us know you disagree with our values, we respect that as well. TidesCenter and Tides Foundation have been strong supporters of the freedom of expression over the years and firmly believe that all voices should be heard—as long as those voices are not intentionally spreading false and misleading information.” CAIR and UFJP may be guilty of doing just that. Misleading.

With the Pew Research Centers poll indicating “70% of regular Fox viewers are supporting the President while 67% of CNN watchers are Kerry backers,” and Georgetown/Zogby poll of American Muslim support for the Presidential candidates, commissioned by MAPS, reporting an overwhelming 81% support for John Kerry, as November begins, it might be cogent to let Maxwell King and Teresa Heinz-Kerry and the Heinz Endowments  know there are details about Tides, CAIR and UFJP, factchecker.org overlooked.

The recent decade of corporate heads rolling should have brought home to Mrs. Kerry and her team, the liability of being a leader. Being a leader of an Endowment makes her solely responsible for affiliations done on her behalf, not necessarily, personally. Enron is a prime example of a CEO being held legally and supervisorially responsible with control person liability for actions taken by his company. Of course, a leader can say they didn’t know. A judge and jail time will tell them differently.

Mother Teresa, as Mrs. Kerry says her friends call her, is a candid, brash and outspoken woman running to become America’s first African-American Presidential wife. In the same CNN interview in which she confessed her deceased husband remains her love; her second husband provides companionship, she announced if her current husband told her ten years ago, he intended to run for president she would have answered “not with me.” That sounds “like a plan.”  

One day, she might make a wonderful First Lady. At this time, while she denies accountability for actions done on her endowments behalf and does not appear to be relating to “you are judged by who you are associated with,” America isn’t ready for her. And may never be.


18 Jan

 Two days after the Annapolis talks focused on carving a new Arab state out of tiny Israel, a page in history returned. November 29 2007, a young man, a footnote in American Jewry and a footstep in Israel’s history, was exhumed from the Adas Israel cemetery NE Washington DC.

For decades, his grave site went largely ignored. Too few knew of its existence in Washington or even his existence, as it was. Over the years, atop his headstone chiseled with the words, “Stephen Theodore Norman, Captain Royal Artillery British Army, Grandson of Theodore Herzl, April 21, 1918 – November 26, 1946,”  pebbles could be found, honoring his life as is tradition in Judaism, letting him know someone came, someone cared. The sole grandson of Israel’s visionary, Theodore Herzl, was born in Vienna, Austria, Stefan Theodor Neumann, fourteen years after his grandfather’s death of heart failure. Promoting his message of political Zionism drained Herzl physically and financially. Benyamin Ze’ev Theodore Herzl died in 1904 at the young age of 44 but lived on in that his grandson Stephen Theodore Neumann Norman was named for him.

Theodore Herzl penned his solution to anti-semitism in Europe, “Der Judenstaadt,” “The Jewish State,” in 1896. His vision came having witnessed throngs of people chanting “Death To The Jews” after the conviction of Captain Alfred Dreyfus by French court martial. Though Dreyfus was exonerated of the charges against him, hatred against Jews did little to subside. Bearing witness Europe did not accept Jewish people assimilated as citizens into their respective countries, Herzl aspired that Jews rejected by their country should return to their ancient homeland, Palestine, Zion, free to be. Herzl writing, “I recognized the emptiness and futility of trying to ‘combat’ anti-Semitism,” sparked Jewish thought but not the actuality of freedom of a life safe from hatred he dreamt of for Jews. Seven years after Herzl wrote “Der Judenstaadt,” over 100 years ago, the inaugural meeting of the World Zionist Congress was held in Basle, Switzerland, with Herzl writing in his diary it was “At Basle I founded the Jewish State.” One year later, 800 Zionist chapters, with over 100,000 members inspired by the Zionist Movement, set into play a political plan for the rebirth of the Jewish people, their own land, Israel, (Genesis 15:18), ‘To your descendants I have given this land…” Herzl wrote in his second major literary work, “Altneuland- The Old New Land,” “If you will it, it is no legend.” Almost 50 years after the First Zionist Congress, ending 2000 years of Jewish homelessness, the State of Israel, Herzl willed, was real.

Four year later, in 2002, the new page in Herzl’s life turned. A local DC historian, Jerry Klinger, President of the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation, read a single line in a passage towards the end of Amos Elon’s bio on Herzl. The line said Benyamin Ze’ev Herzl’s last descendant committed suicide in Washington. Klinger researched tirelessly until he found the young man buried in NE DC’s Adas Israel Cemetery. During his research, Klinger read Stephen Norman’s diary. Herzl’s grandson wished to return to Israel. Klinger determined to take the boy home, fought tirelessly negotiating the politics of the United States, Britain, Israel, and of Jewish organizations. Finally, Fall 2007, a single date was given to get the young man out from the ground to Israel. November 29th 2007. Miraculously, the day was not cold. The same sun that had shone over the Annapolis talks and the Rose Garden grip and greet of Bush, Olmert and Abbas, shone brazenly over this historic, largely unnoticed moment in the Capitol. Digging began. 

Few people knew who the young suicide was at the time of his death. Mr. Moshe Frelicov, one of Stephen’s eulogists back in 1946, knew both Herzl and his grandson. Frelicov said in his graveside tribute, “with the death of Captain Norman, no descendant is left of the great founder of the Zionist movement.  The great Herzl now lives only in his great work.” 

The heir to the legacy of Zionism did not grow up with his parents. Anti-semitism loomed in Europe. His mother Margarethe Trude, Herzl’s daughter, and her husband Richard, feared for the safety of their son. They allowed Herzl’s followers to take the boy to England for safekeeping. His name, Stefan Theodor Neumann, was anglicised from Stepehen Theodore Norman, as not to sound German. He was raised on his grandfather’s teachings, growing him into a fine young man, as a young adult, Stephen joined the Royal Artillery, commissioning as a Captain. His tour of India and Ceylon ended in 1945. Upon retiring from the Royal Artillery, Stephen was sent as an attache to the British Embassy’s Science Commission in Washington DC. Before moving to America for his job, he traveled to Palestine. It was on this visit, Stephen “got” what his grandfather had envisioned. He was 28 years old.

In Washington, Stephen roomed in a boarding house above Massachusetts Avenue, Embassy Row. With his parents still in Europe, he was alone in this world. Though the American Zionist community knew he was the grandson of Theodore Herzl, he kept to himself. When a letter from his family’s servant, Wuth, reached him, a few months after relocating to America, advising his parents perished in the Holocaust, Stephen sunk into a deep bog he could not rise from. He was plagued by the same depressive illness his grandfather, aunt, uncle and mother suffered from, the technicality allowing rabbis to grant his reburial in a Jewish cemetery.

November 26,1946, Stephen put on his tweed coat. He walked from his rooming house down to Charles Glover Bridge. Sixty one years earlier, DC was a sight different from what it is today. Rock Creek was a park. Its bridge spanned a thickness of trees. A creek ran so far beneath the bridge higher up that when this young man jumped, it was with hope his life as he knew it orphaned by the Holocaust would end then and there, in the riverbed 90 feet below. As per the news article reporting the suicide, he took his coat off, laying it neatly on the steel arm of the bridge walkway. Too late to save his family, unable to save his people,  Stephen leapt, joining in the afterlife the mother and father whom anti-semitism tore him from as a young child.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

61 years later, Stephen Theodore Neumann Norman, heir to a legacy not a fortune, reunited in death with family he never met in life- his great grandparents, his grand aunt and his grandfather, Theodore Herzl, where they lie on Mount Herzl alongside the final resting place of Israel’s leaders and war heroes, and, as per Herzl’s will, his children Pauline and Hans. Stephen’s mother and father, Trude and Richard, will never be with him. The whereabouts of their remains is unknown. They were exterminated in Teresienstadt Concentration camp, the Nazi’s propaganda camp described in Nazi literature as a “spa town” where elderly German Jews could “retire” in safety. Theresienstadt was liberated May 8, 1945. Herzl was exhumed for reburial in Jerusalem, 1949, a year after the establishment of the Jewish state. Hans and Pauline were exhumed from their grave in Bordeaux France for reburial September 20, 2006. 

In Judaism, 18 symbolizes life. With irony, Stephen took his own life, November 25, 1946, 18 months before the Declaration of the State of Israel and 18 months after the end of the holocaust, the last year the Zionist Congress was held in Basle, Switzerland. Stephen’s death, sorta, closed a chapter in Jewish history. But phoenix’s do rise from ashes. Jerry Klinger is determined Stephen’s return will be an opportunity to remind Jews of the tiny state’s beginning. And of the work of its visionary, Theodore Herzl, forgot in the politics of Annapolis pushing for the Palestinian state to be carved from Israel for Arabs, without Jews. 

December 5, 2007, Stephen was returned home, without pomp and circumstance, to the land his grandfather dreamed of, accompanied by, as Jerry Klinger said, “a grey haired man and a disabled woman in a wheelchair.” Klinger, the man with the dream for the grandson of the man with the dream for the Jews, will be rewarded according to Rashi. The mediaeval scholar says one who is kind to the poor, the dead being poorer than a living individual, are smiled upon with kindness having achieved partnership with the Almighty. To the Klingers, this reward is due. And to Stephen, his victory, the “rest of the story,” unknowingly gifted by a stranger determined to take this orphan home.

Stephen’s “rest of the story was learned the night after his reburial in Israel. It wasn’t just from anguish over the loss of his parents that Stephen took his own life. British refusal forbidding him to return to Palestine broke him. Stephen wrote in a letter, July 2 1946, he would not be able to secure a visa to return to Palestine. British Mandatory forces were determined to destroy the pre-Independence movement there. Three days earlier, June 29, 1946, was Black Sabbath. On the holiest of Jewish days, British forces arrested thousands of Jews including every Jewish leader they found. Weapons were destroyed. Munitions caches taken away. The British, architects of the Balfour Declaration, saw Stephen, a living Herzl, grandson of the visionary who gave his life to resurrect the homeland God gave the Jewish people, as a potential leader, a symbol for the establishment of the Jewish State. They had already witnessed the Royal welcome Stephen received on his trip to Israel. The British felt they had to stop him from being part of the new Jewish state, Israel, a teeny piece carved out of the Palestine pie, one slice for the Jews and the other given to the much larger Jordan. Black Sabbath was the reason Stephen was assigned to a low level position in the British Embassy, DC.

In Judaism, there is the expression, may his death be avenged. And that is where Jerry Klinger stepped in. In the shadow of Annapolis, a new page in history turned. Amazing things happen when stars in the universe align. In death, Stephen defeated the British. As if from his grave, Stephen found new life. Jerry Klinger, a man dedicated to marking moments in America’s Jewish history, read one line that consumed Klinger’s life over the next seven years. Though separated by more than a century, from beyond the grave, their shared devotion to the State of Israel’s existence is what took Captain Stephen Theodore Neumann Norman home. And it is through Klinger, the Herzl story will find new audience, giving lost Jews, a historic magnet to be drawn towards.

Remembering “Stephen Theodore Neumann Norman” was here in America is the ultimate in Brass Markers, brass markers used to designate moments of historic interest. The headstone topping his grave remains in AdasIsraelCemetery, available to anyone who cares to place a pebble honoring the heir to a legacy that built a land. A new footstone will be placed at his gravesite.  It will read, “Captain Stephen Norman was reburied. Dec. 5, 2007, on Mt.Herzl with his family in Jerusalem.  With sincere appreciation to kindness of the Adas Israel Community.  Ehud Olmert, Prime Minister of Israel, Ze’ev Bielski Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Jerry Klinger, President of the Jewish American Society for Historic Preservation.” Though having lain for decades, forgotten, a stones throw from a White House in a small city with a big reputation making decisions impacting the survival and safety of Jews around the world, Stephen’s gift to us is larger than life. Visitors to his headstone will understand of the tragedy of hate and the insanity of human destruction that opened the world’s conscience to Darfur and elsewhere, reminding Jews, in the shadow of Annapolis, without Israel, though living in chosen countries, if chants of “Death to the Jews” Herzl witnessed rises again, there will be no home to go to.

Two words inscribed on a wall found after the Nazis emptied Warsaw’s ghetto of its Jewish inhabitants, clarion against hate, bear repeating, now and forever, against hates peech from Iran, shelling from Gaza and news bytes projecting death to Israel. “Never Again, never again, never again.” Stephen Theodore Neuman Norman wrote, “My visit to Palestine is over. It is said to go away is to die a little. And I know that when I went away from Eretz Yisroel, I died a little.” “Be sure, then, to return is somehow to be reborn. And I will return.” The eve of the 60th anniversary of Israel’s declaration of Independence, in the shadow of Annapolis, the wish of Herzl’s grandson, was fulfilled. Stephen was reborn.


12 Jan


I have to ask if THE SPIELBERG is staging the Inauguration if not the election. It all is just going TOO HOLLYWIERD for me. TWO swearing ins… one for the CHOSEN peeps Sunday JANUARY 20th. The OTHER  for the regular PEEPS the LES MIS masses I guess one could word play. At the US Capitol Mr. OBAMA will be stacking bibles if not decks using a BIBLE said to belong to PRESIDENT LINCOLN on the other a bible that belonged to MLK III as the memorial is called not REV DR MARTIN LUTHER KING JR as stated in the press release irony being THERE IS NO MENTION OF GOD in Mr Kings MEMORIAL a detail one would expect for this lasting testimony to this man of faith. Details aside the Memorial was a Chinese import. OMG why did we not see it then as a sign of the binding of forces Mr OBAMA was working towards back when with solidifying trader with CHINA while Americans were losing jobs here at home.

The JANUARY 20th bible is from MRS OBAMAs family not from the family of the PRESIDENT still challenged to be of the MUSLIM FAITH. Small thing to have used HIS MOMs Bible or her UNCLES Bible or even a Bible from his newly minted square peg IRISH CONNECTION ancestry.com made fit the round hole of the gold ring IRISH CONNECTION that secured presidencies for Reagan Kennedy and others.

Hollywood scripting the second inauguration is on the FEDERAL HOLIDAY devoted to MARTIN LUTHER KING. Coincidental maybe to news the tourism bookings are down half from INAUGURATION attendance one? Just a little marketing moment tidbit that THERE IS ALWAYS ONLY EVER ONE FIRST IMPRESSION especially in a recession where BEEN THERE DONE THAT matters to a family counting coins moreso when the reality of NOT RAISING taxes just hit with citizens wondering where that deducted money they need to put food on the table just went. The irony of the official statement from the PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURAL COMMITTEE cannot be lost. “On the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington and 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation, this historic moment is a reflection of the extraordinary progress we’ve made as a nation.”

A few weeks earlier OBAMA hosted a screening at the WHITE HOUSE with LINCOLN director Obama re-election camoaign supporter STEVEN SPIELBERG & CAST. Mr OBAMAs OFFICIAL photographer PETE SOUZA released the photo of DANIEL DAY LEWIS star of LINCOLN looking at a COPY of the GETTYSBURG ADRESS in the WHITE HOUSE under a portrait of LINCOLN on the WALL. The morphed image of OBAMA in to LINCOLN cannot be overlooked. Now how the heck is MADAME TUSSAUDS going to change history of their waxed images of the two men. Ahhh. Follow REV AL SHARPTONs blurt that MR OBAMA should be on MOUNT RUSHMORE…. Hmm who do you think AL should be removed. And should the carving include the ‘if I had a son he would be like Trayvon’ too. Listen. Seems that DAY LEWIS isnt an original thinker stealing WITHOUT CREDIT from conservative CLINT EASTWOODS brilliant empty chair scene stealer at the RNC copying CLINTs moment at the BRITANNIA AWARDS saying “I have to say that I’m so extremely grateful and glad that — taking time out of his very busy schedule, the recently reelected president of this country has made it here” he pointed at the empty seat on stage near him.

“Lincoln” is one of the year’s biggest Oscar contenders. ANGELS IN AMERICA script writer & for LINCOLN too Tony Kushner said he sees similarities between POTI 16 & 44.  LINCOLN cleaned up at the OSCAR nominations when films like ARGO & ZERO DARK THIRTY did not. Sad. It is the way the PR arm for Hollywood is driving their anti military agenda. Curious was SLEEPING IN THE LINCOLN BEDROOM on the block for the clean sweep we expect to see of LINCOLN at the O for OSCARs which might just become O for OBAMA. Curious WHO is getting what special access INAUGURATION DAY. Curious if DARRELL ISSA will be watching the GATE TICKER at the WH post INAUGURATION 2. AND MOST CURIOUS OF ALL….will the WHITE HOUSE force upon HOLLYWOOD the same weapons ban they are planning to force upon AMERICANS. Will ION TV have to cut down on its BACK TO  BACK programming of MURDER by innovation as ghoulish & gruesome as HOLLYWOOD can make it. Will TOM CRUISE have to apologize before CONGRESS for his JACK REACHER movies that are losing buck despite adding bang.

And will people actually stop and READ THE GETTYSBURG address to the right of Mr. LINCOLN at his Memorial if it isn’t sent to them by PDA of choice…. Grousing I know. I am curious if Michelle is wary of KERRY WASHINGTON being around O. You know since life imitates ART…after all Kerrys character is shagging her POTUS…. Love you Kerry… grin… back to Bibles… stacking Bibles does not make a man holier than thou….


4 Jan

One year ago, Chaplain Roger Vanderwerken openly shared his weight of Chaplaincy when America goes to war. His Chapel was bursting at its seams the night before deployment.  He expressed his deep emotions counseling men and women facing their mortality. As Chaplain, his role includes listening to soldiers discover feelings they fear they may never share again. He assists them with details, modern day warriors prefer to avoid, realizing they may be leaving loved ones behind, possibly for eternity.

Vanderwerken’s “job” is being there for all Marines returning home. Some Marines, honored by the MA, a unit largely unknown outside the military, already returned from Operation Iraqi Freedom. Mortuary Affairs Company recovers, processes and ships fallen comrades back home, quickly. Even if all that is left is their dog tag, upholding Marine Corps philosophy “We take care of our own.”

One year later, Chaplain Roger Vanderwerken is celebrating. His Marines are beginning to return home, walking into joyous celebration. Family and friends, meet returning Marines, often, in the middle of the night.  Huge crowds welcome them, Vanderwerken said, “Everyone is there.” Some are seeing children for the first time. Others return to parents, sibilings, extended family. Friends. Others, well, things can change.

Some Marine’s  returned, suffering dramatic weight loss from heat, stress and food, said Vanderwerken. “They looked like skeletons, some of them. It was kind of scary.” Their diet consisted, for six months, of cold MRE’s, military food pre-packaged in plastic bags. Others only drank warm canteen water. These Marines returned 30 pounds thinner than before deployment. “A lot of them gained the weight back pretty quickly,” reassured Vanderwerken, “They were certainly welcomed home with big meals.”

Marines returning from war, face readjustment issues. Couples must work together redefining their roles, to each other and to their children. Wives can become stronger. One congregant, a pilot, deployed leaving a wife, and three children, ages 8, 5, 4 on home shores. Vanderwerken said “During the pilot’s time away, his wife did incredible things. She sold their home, bought and remodeled their new home. Her husband came home to a brand new place, you know and that was kind of interesting. She was pretty strong woman to do all that.” “Another couple, in the Chapel, before deploying, dropped their 1 year old child off, in Texas, with grandparents. It was a time of rejoicing when both parents returned. 

The war has been hard on the Marine community at the base. Vanderwerken found himself counseling families to limit television viewing. “That was psychologically harmful to a lot of people.”  “Eyes glued to the TV hoping to see a word, somehow, somewhere,” he is sure they were looking for loved ones. “Many wives and families were glued to CNN all day long. It wasn’t a healthy thing for them.” Interestingly, he noted, in an age of sophisticated technology, Vanderwerken said they keep in touch, with messages passed, the old fashioned way, “on little slips of paper.”

Vanderwerken was assigned to remain at Oceanside California’s Marine base Camp Pendleton. With congregants deploying, he worried service attendance, would drop. To his delight, it doubled. Wives, girlfriends, and child minding grandparents sought solace and refuge in the place Vanderwerken describes as a spiritual home.

 “When the guys come back,” said Vanderwerken, “there is euphoria and tremendous amounts of attention from the public, family and friends.” “They don’t think too much about their experiences, too much. And then later, some of that reality sets in. And it is hard. And they need to talk about it.” Vanderwerken describes a returning warrior’s experience similar to Post Traumatic Distress Syndrome. The pilot whose wife moved his children and home, Vanderwerken said, “took really a couple of weeks before he knew that he was back.” Though, the pilot stayed at the local airfield for a while and just talked, most Marines return immediately, to their own homes.

Marines undergo significant debriefings , before leaving Iraq. Warrior Transition program Chaplains, are sent over to head up needed discussions. “There is quite a of care given to Marines before they get back here,” said Vanderwerken. The warriors are asked to describe their battlefield experiences. They are counseled to leave those experiences behind. “The Marines are told,” Vanderwerken said, “We are coming back to your home now.”

The war has been hard on, Roger Vanderwerken. He listens to a lot of issues from both sides, the wives, the children, the men, stresses some “men faced when they have gone and come back.” A man of faith, the time he takes to get in touch with God through personal devotion, reading the Scriptures, a lot, and community worship in the Chapel forces him to “It forces me to really look at the Scriptures and what God is saying and how does these ancient texts written thousands of years ago apply to our situation today and just the nature of the work I do.” And he makes sure he remembers to take a Sabbath. He takes a day off during the week, to “get away from it all.” 

One role of the Chaplain to the military unit is to remind commanders of one great principle of the America is freedom of religion. Military engaged in the fray are encouraged to worship when they can. “Often,” he says. “there is no such thing as a day off in the field.” Worship is critically important to a marine or soldier. It gives them a chance to focus on eternal values,” Vanderwerken said.

Vietnam was a military precedent for Sabbath in war. Warriors were given a military respeth of a couple of weeks furlough, away from battle, with family or significant others before being called to go back in to fight. “It gets them away from battle and gets them charged up again.” 

One question Chaplain Vanderwerken asks each of his returning Marines is, “What was the best thing you saw in Iraq?” His burly Marines, to a man, describe “scores of children running up to them, thanking them and hugging them.” A lot of older people do the same thing, said Vanderwerken, puzzling why the media barely reports on his military’s good deeds in Iraq.

The American military is gifting an indelible legacy of American know-how to Iraq. The Navy Seabees helped replace Kish, Iraq’s farming irrigation system; Kansas City, Mo’s Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 15, Air Detachment, helped install a 1.3-megawatt generator at Kish’s Water Lift Station, jettisoning water to about 50,000 farmland hectares. The 1st Battalion, 7th Marine Regiment, and Green Bay, Wis’ 432nd Civil Affairs Battalion trained fire personnel held modern American firefighting technique academies for senior Iraq firefighters. The 1st Battalion 7th Marine Regiment, re-opened the An NAhaf’s all girl school. The First Marine Division wanted to leave a future of freedom through education for the children. “Marines,” Vanderwerken decribed, “are a highly disciplined group. Everything is very regimented. Marines know what orders are and they carry them out. And without question. They are very fine troops. They know how to get a job done and they do it.” Vanderwerken doesn’t think Marines will coordinate their own grass roots promotion of their unreported positive realities in Iraq. “These guys are marines. They are not activists. They do what they are told. They really don’t start grass roots things.”

An Ordained American Baptist Church, USA, Vanderweken counsels Marines of all denominations. Asked about the Muslim Cleric accused of treason, Vanderwerken said, “There are Muslims in the Military and it is appropriate to have an equal number of muslim clerics. They should be able to freely exercise their religion.” Vanderwerken says the Chaplain Corps are bound together by a couple of words “devoted to God and to Country. And that is left up to the individual chaplain to determine what devotion to God means. Devotion to country,” Vanderwerken continues, “is pretty clear. No one should go into the chaplain corps with the purpose of being a spy for anyone. You go into the chaplain corps for being the presence of God for people who serve their country.” Vanderwerken addressed the clarity and wisdom of first amendment of the Constitution, “The first amendment to the Constitution,: he said, “allows for the free exercise of religion.” “Part of that is Congress shall make no law establishing religion in the land.”

Offering a personal thought, Vanderwerken said, “We hear a lot about American  values and American way of life. Those values are not big cars. They are not gambling and lotteries and earning as much money as you can. The values are things like life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. The values are things spelled out in the Bill of Rights. It is good for all Americans to think about that.”

“The tendency with past wars,” Vaderwerken says, “is warriors return and fall away from religion.”  That has not happened with Operation Iraq Freedom. Marines who discovered the Lord in the battlefield, are maintaining their commitment. His chapel is maintaining its flock since men have begun to return.


26 Dec

WELL DONE BRITAIN STANDING FOR ISRAEL AT THE UN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FWrQ7RXvWc&sns=em